
Executive Committee

The role of the IASCL Executive Committee is to run our Association. All the Board Members are ex-officio members and do the "daily" work, so to speak. The immediate Past President is also an ex-officio member and chairs the IASCL Charity. The Child Language Bulletin editor, appointed by the President, likewise is an ex-officio member, as are the editors of the journals First Language and the Journal of Child Language. 

The Board is helped by 15 elected members. These elected members are the pool of possible members for working Committtees that the IASCL needs. First off, there is the Nominating and Appointing Committee, which is responsible for the preparation of the ratification of new Board Members and for the election of new Executive Committee members. The Roger Brown Committee with the President as Chair and the Early Career Award Committee with the Vice President as Chair also rely on elected Executive Committee members. The Travel Award Committee does as well. Additional Committees may be formed as needed.  

Apart from serving on a working Committee, elected members may be asked to vote on a range of issues in the three years between Business Meetings. Any member of the Executive Committee can ask for an issue to be voted on, but only elected members have voting privileges. At the initiative of the Nominating and Appointing Committee, elected Executive Committee members play an important role in deciding which nominations for Board members are put forward for ratification at the Congress Business Meeting.

Here you'll find a list of the current members of the Executive Committee and their contact information.

The Nominating and Appointing Committee has launched a call for nominations for new elected Executive Committee members. Find it here. The deadline is February 29, 2024.

Child Language Bulletin Editor

The Child Language Bulletin, an official IASCL publication, is published twice a year. The Bulletin is edited by a child language scholar after appointment by the IASCL President. The Bulletin Editor is an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee.

Since 2009, Dr. Angel Chan (Hong Kong, SAR China) has been the IASCL's untiring Bulletin Editor. She has gracefully committed to continue working in this important capacity until July 2027. Find information about Dr. Chan here, and, more fully, here

Read our Bulletins here.