International Association
for the Study of Child Language


The International Association for the Study of Child Language (IASCL) was founded to promote international and interdisciplinary cooperation in the study of child language.

Its major activity is the sponsorship of the triennial International Congress for the Study of Child Language. Previous Congresses have been held in Tokyo, Japan (1978), Vancouver, Canada (1981), Austin, USA (1984), Lund, Sweden (1987), Budapest, Hungary (1990), Trieste, Italy (1993), Istanbul, Turkey (1996), San Sebastián, Spain (1999), Madison, USA (2002), Berlin, Germany (2005), Edinburgh, United Kingdom (2008), Montreal, Canada (2011), Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2014), Lyon, France (2017), and Philadelphia, USA (2021). The programs of recent Congresses can be found here.

In addition to the congresses, the IASCL produces the Child Language Bulletin twice a year, with directory information, book notices, a conference calendar, and other useful information. Members are also eligible for a substantial subscription discount to two leading journals in the field (First Language and the Journal of Child Language), and to the International Journal of Bilingualism.

A special effort is made to assist doctoral students to attend the triennial conference. We have a bursary scheme to assist with fees, accommodation and travel costs. For further information you can contact the Treasurer.